About Us

Junaya Family Development Services (JFDS) is a non-government, community based organisation providing services for families within Blacktown LGA.

JFDS has a number of programs funded by Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) through the Targeted Early Intervention Program.

Our programs work with families to address some of the challenges that can make caring for kids and managing a family difficult. All of our programs aim to strengthen families with the skills, knowledge, resources and opportunities that help provide children and young people with safe and thriving environments where they can grow and develop to reach their potential


Vision: All children and their families have stronger, safer and connected futures

Our Mission

To facilitate meaningful change so children and their families have equitable access to the resources and systems which uphold the rights of children and their family members and enable active participation in family and community life.


JFDS will do this through:

Recognition of the ongoing impacts of colonisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Commitment to address and challenge the structural barriers that maintain discrimination, oppression and disadvantage and impact on the safety and wellbeing of children and their families.

Practices that respect, honour and celebrate culture, diversity and inclusivity.

Keeping children at the centre of all work with families and community

Working with families to facilitate change and increase social and personal wellbeing.

A partnered approach with families and community

Our beliefs about children, families and culture





Children have a special place within family and community. All children have a right to be safe, to have their needs met and to grow to their potential. It is the responsibility of family and community to hear the voices of children and help create the safety and opportunities they need and deserve for a positive future.


Stronger and connected families support safer, healthy and connected children. Family are able to do this when they are supported to access the resources, skills and connections they need to make decisions for improved outcomes for their children. When we give families support and choice, we help to empower and build resilience.


We acknowledge, respect and value the strength and voice of culture. We provide a culturally safe and nurturing environment when we honour and privilege the cultural values, beliefs, obligations, history and language of children and their family and hold these as central to our work.



At Junaya Family Development Services, our staff is truly our greatest treasure. Our team is made up of talented and skilled individuals from all walks of life, each bringing their own unique experiences. Their dedication and passion create the warm and positive atmosphere that helps the families we work with to thrive and succeed.

Annual Report 2022-2023